The toneincontext module


This module is still begin worked on. The lesson file format will most likely change in the next releases. Right now the music in the cadences must be a string with complete mpd code. Using music objects will not work now.

Here is a minimal lesson file:

header {
  module = toneincontext
  version = "3.21.0"
  title = "First 4 scale tones"
  tones = 3, 4
cadence {
  music = "\staff\relative g'{ <g e c> <a f c> <g f d b> <g e c> }"

The cadence block should be in C major. The program will select cadence by random if you write more than one cadence block.

If you don't define the tones variable, the program will let you select tones in the config page of the exercise.

Header variables


list of integers from 0 to 12.


Set to no if you don't want transposition. Default value is yes.


If set to yes, the tone to identify will be played together with the last tone of the cadence. Default value is no.