I, Ross Gammon, apply for PPU rights for my Debian packages and Ubuntu Studio packages.
Name |
Ross Gammon |
Launchpad Page |
Wiki Page |
Who I am
I am Test Team Lead for the Ubuntu Studio flavour, a member of the Ubuntu Studio Development Team, and the Ubuntu Bug Squad. I am an Ubuntu Member, and Contributing Developer. I am also a Debian Developer, maintaining a few packages on my own, and within the Debian GIS, Debian Multimedia, Debian Javascript, and Debian Python Modules Teams. I am applying for PPU rights to my Debian packages, and to the ubuntustudio-* packages.
Which packages?
Ubuntu Studio Packages: Ubuntustudio-controls ubuntustudio-default-settings ubuntustudio-icon-theme ubuntustudio-installer ubuntustudio-look ubuntustudio-menu ubuntustudio-meta ubuntustudio-live ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme
My Debian packages: abcmidi autotalent debian-multimedia dominate geographiclib goocanvas goocanvas-2.0 gosmore gramps kmetronome laditools libdrumstick liblas libshout-idjc lv2vocoder mudita24 netcdf-cxx-legacy netcdf-cxx netcdf-fortran netcdf4-python node-bluebird node-cli-table[ node-coffeeify node-concat-stream node-convert-source-map node-core-util-is node-cross-spawn-async node-cross-spawn node-deep-equal node-defined node-file-sync-cmp node-function-bind node-husl node-inline-source-map node-isarray node-isstream node-js-yaml node-json-localizer node-leaflet-formbuilder node-leaflet-hash node-minimist node-object-inspect node-os-tmpdir node-process-nextick-args node-resumer node-seq node-tape node-tmp node-typedarray node-util-deprecate osm-gps-map pmidi pyshp python-instagram python-requests-toolbelt qxgedit sfarklib sfarkxtc
My Ubuntu story
After becoming interested in Linux in 2010, and trying out Sabayon, Debian and Fedora, I eventually settled with Ubuntu on my desktop machine. In 2013 I started to look at how I could contribute back. I joined the Bug Squad in 2013 and learnt how to triage bugs in Launchpad. Due to the maintainer of the Gramps package being inactive, I took over the maintenance of that package in Debian after the steep learning curve of bringing the packaging up to date. Then I learnt the process of merging and syncing packages to Ubuntu, and have also managed a couple of SRUs & done a little backporting. These days I am mostly helping out in the Ubuntu Studio Team, and recently I became an Ubuntu Member, Contributing Developer and Debian Developer.
My involvement
Keeping an eye on the packages I maintain in Debian here in Ubuntu, and also seeded packages in Ubuntu Studio (SRUs, backports, syncs, merges & removals) Helping to create and maintain a small suite of manual test cases for Ubuntu Studio, and keeping an eye on the package tracker. Helping out with ISO Testing of the Ubuntu Studio releases for Trusty (point releases) & Xenial, marking them ready for release for the Release Team, and drafting the Release Notes.
Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of
Areas of work
Within the Ubuntu Studio Team, Kaj Ailomaa normally uploaded the ubuntustudio-* packages prepared by the Team Members. However, Kaj retired from the team last year, and we need some new developers to look after the Ubuntu Studio packages. Currently, I am the only Ubuntu Studio Team member with any packaging experience (in Ubuntu or Debian).
For my Ubuntu packaging work, I have had various sponsors:
The uploads were mostly comment free, although occasionally my sponsors have needed to remind me of Ubuntu specific things (e.g. correct changelog version format for a rebuild, and only providing a diff for debian/changelog when doing an update to the us-meta package).
I did not prepare many packages in the last cycle, due to concentrating on my Debian Developer application. However, over four years I have tried most of the Ubuntu specific packaging situations (SRU, merge, sync backport), understand the release process and when to apply for freeze exceptions, and where to look to find out why packages are not migrating from "proposed" to "release".
Things I could do better
As a volunteer, I find that sometimes I do not follow through and finish things as quickly as I would like after receiving feedback on my work etc. I would love to have more hours in the day!
Plans for the future
After getting PPU rights for my Debian packages, and the ubuntustudio-* packages, I would eventually like to: Become a MOTU.
What I like least in Ubuntu
Bugs reported in a LTS release, that never get triaged, and are eventually expired once the release is no longer supported (without an attempt to confirm if it is still valid in the current release). Or finding out during ISO testing that the same bugs from the last release are still there for the next one. We need more bug triagers and fixers. Building up a team of these within the flavours, where there is a natural interest and knowledge of a specific suite of packages, may help to overcome the uncertainty many newcomers feel when starting out and not having a deep knowledge of the thousands of packages and how they work & hang together.
If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @a link to your launchpad page@.
Previous comments and endorsements can be found on my Contributing Developer Application page, and my Ubuntu Membership Application page. Me
General feedback
I sponsored a couple of packages for Ross a little while ago. The changes were minimal, so you might want to adjust the weight of this endorsement accordingly, but I had no problems. Ross seems to have done things the right way by becoming a DD, and has a decent knowledge of Ubuntu processes - so I have no hesitation in +1ing him.
Specific Experiences of working together
Some sponsorship listed on the miner.
== <SPONSORS NAME> == === General feedback === ## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?) === Specific Experiences of working together === ''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.'' ## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here: ## http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi? === Areas of Improvement ===
RossGammon/PPUApplication (last edited 2017-11-10 17:48:52 by rosco2)